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Exercise! Key to a healthy life

I practice acupuncture and herbs. I know TaiChi and QiGong.

Nothing beats exercising. Moderate exercise is the only key to ensure a healthy life.

Exercising keeps the blood flow going. In TCM, Qi goes, Blood goes.

  • I strongly recommend the Hanged Man. For those who aren't super low in blood volume which gets them dizzy easily, everyone should be practicing the hanging off the edge of the bed. Get the blood flow back to your brain, which leads to the growth of brain cells and blood vessels. Hanging can also decompress the spine and stretch the muscles-- you know anti-gravity 😝.

  • Increasing the cardio efficiency is great, but exercises should be taken with caution and at a moderate level. Over-exerising exhausts the body, and puts the body in stress.

  • Exercising can metabolize (lower) cholesterol, keep the blood vessels in good health, lower the blood pressure, and of course metabolize the sugar.

  • Spend at least 15 minutes a day on exercising. Dedicate it to stretching every part of the body. Preferably move those muscles that we don't normally use in daily living activities: under the arm pit, the flank, the upper and lower back, the waist area, and the inner thigh area (hip opener).

August 22, 2022

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